Friday, May 05, 2006

Monkey see, Monkey do...

It's been a long week. and only slightly longer than last week. there's just so much stuff going on. I leave at 0500 and don't get home until 2100 or later. My job is very stressful, and I rarely get off work on time. Last night I got off at 5pm for a change, and when I got home I didn't know what to do with all the extra time. I need a day off. Better yet, a few days off. Times like this I envy the dog. He just sits at home and sleeps all day. then people come home and feed him and spend time with him. he has the free time to rest and enjoy the best parts of life. As much as I want and try to be like the dog, it just doesn't work. I can't get away with it. But as I write this post and think about, there are many areas of life where I would not want to be like the dog. He'll never stand on top of a mountain in awe and wonder at God's creation. Because he knows so little about stress and heartache, he also knows little about joy and happiness. He doesn't have a relationship with God, and he doesn't have a wonderful wife and family that love him. But he does get enough sleep.

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