Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Yakima Peak Attempt

My wife and kids were going to see Silver Falls in MRNP today with a friend, and I decide to tag along and have them drop me off at Chinook Pass on their way. The dropped me off at 9:40am and said they’d be back in two hours.

Tipsoo lake was almost completely frozen over, with thin ice signs all around it. There was only one small place where the water was moving. I started at the first turnout that one comes to when traveling E on 410. I knew that I had to travel NE before trying to climb Yakima peak, but didn’t go far enough before I started up. The snow was pretty steep and I put on the crampons after a few minutes. It kept getting steeper, but the snow was good for cramponing.

I had made it most of the way to the summit when I reached the half way point on my time limit. I didn't want them to have to wait for me. I also couldn’t see how to get to the top from where I was. I found a flat spot and took the crampons off so I could do a controlled glissade down. When I reached a line of trees and another slope, I didn’t feel comfortable going down, so I went further N and found the saddle that I should have climbed to begin with. I took some pictures, then glissaded down and jogged around the bend back to the turnout.

Unfortunately, my ride came an hour later, after I’d eaten all my food and drank all my hot cocoa. I should have been better with the route planning, but I’ll back, and get Naches peak as well next time. It was still a great time, and a great practice with my gear. I also found out that a box of couscous is more than enough for lunch, no matter how hungry I feel at the time.


Anonymous said...

Okay Mr Lewis or is it Mr Clark, I can't even imagine trying to figure out how you could read a trail map or know where you are just by the looks of the surroundings! If I wore a hat, I would take it off to you. Love, Mother

Anonymous said...

Thanks for brushing past the part where we left you stranded for an hour and made you miss the peak.
