Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Gold Creek Basin

I met up Charles about 11am on Saturday, Dec 30th. He had a bible study he had to be at and I had spent half an hour looking for my iTrip, so we got a late start as usual. I had printed out a list of snowshoe route off of I-90 from the N.F. service website, and so picked Gold Creek Basin because of the late start.

The hike started out along a wide trail, and was very crowded, with skiers, snowshoers, and snowmobiles. The route was easy, and parts were very pretty, but the trail ran through private property and it was hard to stay on the real trail at times. It was a fun trip, but not a destination I would want to repeat on a weekend.

1 comment:

justine said...

What a pretty picture, I wish I was there.