Thursday, July 13, 2006

The Legend of Mt. Adams

Once there was a woman, who, because of her reputation for kindness and beauty was sought after by many men. The most famous of these were two young chiefs Wy'east from the land of the Mulnomahs and Pa-toe from the Klickitats.
Both fell in love with her, but she could not choose between them. The two young grew angry at her indecision and began to quarrel. Soon a fierce battle resulted. Villages and forests were destroyed by fire, great boulders were hurled and tossed about, devastating the land. The great Spirit, Sahale, frowned on the lovers and struck them down.
However, even as he chastised them, he wanted to show his love for them. So he reared a mighty mountain peak where each one fell. Because the woman was so beautiful, St. Helens (prior to the 1980 eruption) became a perfect symmetrical cone, dazzling white.
Young Wy'east, Mount Hood, lifts his head in pride, but Pa-toe, Mt. Adams, for all his rough ways had a tender heart and wept to see the beautiful maiden wrapped in snow. So it is that he hangs his head forever in sorrow as he gazes upon her beauty.

When I went white water rafting two weeks ago, I got my first good look and Adams and Hood, and was reminded of the legend. A little background on the mountain I will be climbing this weekend.

Source: US Forest Service Website
Top Photo: Mt. St. Helens (Loowit) prior to the 1980 eruption. Photo by USFS.
Bottom Left: Mt. Hood, Wy'East. Photo by USGS Cascade Volcano Observatory.
Bottom Right: Mt Adams, Pa'Toe.
Photo by USGS Cascade Volcano Observatory.

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